The King of the World

I’m reading Ken Wilson’s, “Mystically Wired.”  This, in combination with the utter inability to still my mind yesterday morning during my quiet time, led me to do some spontaneous research about Transcendental Meditation (TM).  It was so very exciting and interesting to think about doing this right up until the point where the research took a left turn, and it was revealed that the mantras used were connected with Hindu gods.  The mental technique, however, is still very much of interest to me if it will help me focus on stillness so I can listen and hear from God and See in the Spirit better.

This is different from traditional Christian meditation which is usually explained as focusing on scripture, studying, using all the mental faculties to be enlightened, like the men who were walking on the Road to Emmaus.  I totally get that, and I have and still do practice this.  But what I’m wanting to do is STOP using all my mental faculties and be still.  Clear my mind and just invite the Holy Spirit to speak and reveal Himself to me – apart from my own agenda and thoughts.

In the past, I have heard that this is dangerous because if you empty your mind, the enemy can quickly come in and take up residence.  It’s very hard for me to believe I could be possessed by a demon or something like that if I’m offering up my imagination and thought life to the Lord Himself.  I do have more confidence in the Lord than that.  It just seems like I get the greatest revelation from Him when I am able to get quiet and stop thinking so much.  I’m just looking for a good mental technique as a vehicle to get me to that place.  Repeating the name of a Hindu god is definitely not the vehicle I want to use, no.

The TM thought is that you should pick a mantra that means absolutely nothing.  Something unintelligible to the one speaking the mantra.  I obviously don’t want to choose the name of a Hindu god or something ridiculous like that, but as I lay in bed yesterday thinking about these things, I focused on a picture of some kind of plant and the word “JARDIN” below it.  I don’t know what “jardin” means, but it was a two-syllable looking harmless word.  So I just murmured that word to myself a little bit and it did have a calming effect, though it was hard for me to stop thinking about the process and whether or not it was working.  Later that evening, I told my husband about this whole silly episode, and he said, “Oh!  Yeah, jardin.  That means garden!”  I gave him my sarcastic thanks for ruining my new experimental mantra, since I know what it means now.

So this morning I sat with very quiet, barely audible worship music playing in the background.  I had a desire to connect with the Lord in whatever form that took.  I really wanted to still my thoughts and just hear His voice.  I considered beginning to speak in tongues – which actually is unintelligible – to try and just clear my mind.  So the first word I said in tongues, I began to just repeat slowly, breathing slowly.  This was very effective in calming, clearing my thoughts.  When I would begin to think of something, I would focus on that word again.  Spontaneously, I began to say the name of Jesus.

Of course, the name of Jesus does not mean nothing.  It is not unintelligible.  His name means… well… everything.  I whispered His name after my thoughts became still, and so incredibly clearly, I saw in my mind’s vision His eye, looking at me.  His eye took up the entire visual field, and I kept repeating His name.  The scene changed, and I saw Him climbing on top of a great stack of boxes and things.  It rose high into the sky, and I knew it was all of my “things.”  My issues.  My areas of life.  The compartments of my life.  At the top was a throne, and He sat down on it.  Yes, You are the King of it all, I said to Him.  The dishwasher was humming in the background, and the worship music and the dishwasher both got quiet at the same time in that moment as the worship music began to change into the next song.  I kept repeating, “You are the King of everything.  You are the King of my world.  All of my life.”  Just then, I heard a woman’s voice begin to sing in the background.  I could not make out the words and really was not trying.  But just then in the stillness, as I meditated on Jesus sitting on the throne of all of my things, I heard her distinctly sing, “The King of the World.”

In that moment, the hair on the back of my head began to tingle, and I saw in my mind’s eye that the Lord had come off the throne and was now dancing with me.  I was in different stages of my life each time I saw myself, but the image settled in on me as a young girl.  We fell down into a field with soft grass, looking up at the sky, presumably probably where I had all of those big boxes of issues and things just a few moments ago that the adult me had proclaimed Jesus the King of my World.  There were no more boxes.  Just me and Jesus laying down in the field with soft grass.

He pulled me up to my feet and then hugged me close, shoulder to shoulder, so that he could lay his hand on my heart.  I knew it was my heart because I saw little red heart shapes around his hand and my chest.  It makes me laugh right now thinking about it, but it’s such a girl thing, the little red hearts that little girls draw on everything.  But in that moment, in my vision, I was not laughing at all.  My eyes were filling with tears, thinking about that little girl, about Jesus hugging her, and the innocence of it all.  I silently cried and asked Jesus, “Would you restore my innocence? Is it possible for you to restore my innocence and let me keep my wisdom?”

Just then, I saw a pair of hands tilting.  They were full of water, and I knew the water had come from the great eye I had seen in my vision earlier.  There were tears from the eye in the vision, and the water in His hands were from that eye.  As He tilted His hands, the water spilled out and over me.  Just then, I felt a great warmth, and a prickling sensation all along my back.  Washing me.  Restoring my innocence.

“I promised I would,” He said, and I remembered the dream I had where He had spoken to me, that He would remove all these things from me.

Yes, Jesus is the King of my world. He is the King of my heart.  He is the one who washes me clean, who restores my innocence.  Who gives me wisdom.  He is the answer to all my questions, and He shows up powerfully when I meditate on Him.

I try to fit You in the walls inside my mind
I try to keep You safely in between the lines
I try to put You in the box that I’ve designed
I try to pull You down so we are eye to eye

When did I forget that You’ve always been the King of the world?
I try to take life back right out of the hands of the King of the world
How could I make You so small?
When You’re the one who holds it all
When did I forget that You’ve always been the King of the world?

Just a whisper of Your voice can tame the seas
So who am I to try to take the lead?
Still I run ahead and think I’m strong enough
When You’re the one who made me from the dust

Oh, You set it all in motion
Every single moment
You brought it all to be
And You’re holding on to me

King of the World – Natalie Grant

This word of his pouring over me was confirmed November 12, 2017, by Pastor Kathryn Bausman.  Part of her word was this:  “You would pour your spirit all over her. Just keep on pouring.”  

In Between

I am finding that when I have problems, distress, have to focus on the “cares of life” and what not, it distracts from my ability to See in the Spirit.  At least it definitely distracts me from having enough quiet time to practice Seeing in the Spirit, and that has been the case since that last Wednesday evening when I saw the last vision of the angels.

This morning in my quiet time, however, I really wanted to See in the Spirit and tried to do so.  I saw a picture of one of the men in the program, and he had a knife in his hand.  I think the knife was actually part of the anatomy of his hand, and he had it turned inward.  He was trying to stab himself in the stomach.  He was doing this repeatedly, although I didn’t see any blood.  Each time he stabbed himself, his face contorted with pain, and he screamed wordlessly.

In the Spirit, my first reaction was compassion.  I asked the Lord to please help him to stop hurting himself.  And then, almost immediately as soon as I tried to plead with the Lord for this, I walked up to him myself.  He was on the stairwell outside of the second floor (this was in the Spirit, not in the natural.  In my vision, it was daytime, and the sun was shining.  In the natural, I was sitting in my chair, and the sun had not yet risen).  When I walked up to him, I said, “Stop doing that. You’re hurting yourself.”  He reluctantly agreed and then stopped, suddenly looking exhausted and putting down his knife (or knife-hand.  However you look at it).  His head sank, and he wept just as soundlessly as he had screamed only moments before.

A few things about this vision that I’m curious about.

His inability to make a sound.

The fusion of his hand with the knife.

The significance of his being on the balcony or stairwell outside the second floor.

I’m going to think about this vision further and pray about it.  Obviously, the surface interpretation is that he is harming himself with something he is doing with his hands.  There is a theme of violence involved, and he feels like he cannot talk about this to anyone.  He is silenced.  It is an exhausting thing he goes through.

But I feel there is more than this.

Battle Strategy

I love this picture, don’t you?  The hammock and the palm tree.

This is my battle strategy.  I think I’m just going to rest in the Lord.

I have no idea how I was blindsided by this attack of the enemy, because I should have been expecting it.  In fact, yesterday as I was in my kitchen, I had the thought, “Hmm.  It’s been pretty peaceful.  That’s awesome!”  I had this notion in the back of my mind that it might just be too quiet, and that there might be something going on – an attack of some sort – that I’m not perceiving.  Point in fact, that was a nudge from the Holy Spirit to say, “Get ready.  It’s almost here.”

I don’t want to make too much of the work of the enemy, but he’s definitely on the move.  The real force against me is my own thinking and wheel-spinning as it relates to the attack after it begins.  The actual attack itself can be dispatched in the Spirit Realm.

Several things are going on at once, one of them that doesn’t need to be detailed here.  But I have had this tremendous sense of being overwhelmed, burdened, alone, and deserted.  At various times and seasons in my life, I have felt this way, and I am sure it comes from a lie that has been inserted into my thinking.  It’s amazing that I have experienced pain associated with this, yet I have tried so hard all my life to get away from people and enjoy my solitude.  You can’t have it both ways.   You can’t want solitude AND get upset when you feel alone, deserted, and abandoned.

Here’s the truth.  I’ve pushed those closest to me away over and over again, and then gotten upset when I’ve felt abandoned and deserted.  There were also times in my life when I was so deep into my own issues that I, myself, abandoned and deserted my own loved ones.  Here’s another truth:  I have never been alone, abandoned, or deserted.  God has been with me since day 1.  And He is not insignificant.  I have a vibrant, communicative, nurtured, loving relationship with Him.  He actually does really help me.  Really.  Like, when I need help, I call on Him, and within a short amount of time, here come the reinforcements in many different forms.  God notices me.  He loves to spend time with me.  How can I complain about people when I have such a fantastic friend that is always with me?

Just yesterday, I felt overwhelmed and burdened by a task.  I remembered that I needed to just practice the presence of the Lord, and He would be with me.  That I am never alone.  I did that, and ended up getting bunches done in a short amount of time, to my great relief and gratitude.  Still, somehow, those feelings of bitterness and resentment linger with regard to someone close to me.  It’s selfish and really short-sighted, because I am forgetting some major things here, and I actually repented this morning when I remembered them (as detailed above).  I am going to do some serious spiritual warfare going forward in changing my thinking, remembering that I willingly abdicate my right to be resentful and bitter because I am not the righteous judge I think I am, that I am guilty of my own faults, and where people fail me, God always comes and fills in that gap in the most marvelous way possible.

Second, last night I had a dream.  I set my alarm for 5, knew I should have gotten up at 5, and the Spirit even nudged me to get up at 5.  But I slept until 6, snoozing for an hour.  During that hour, I had a really stupid, carnal dream that made me feel bad after I woke up, for having it.  I have been actively lucid and participating in my spiritual dreams, but in this dream, I had no control over myself, and it was like I was watching a movie.  After talking to the Lord about it this morning, I remembered that I had really had a failure yesterday in my effort to enforce my resolution to consecrate my imagination to the Lord, and this was probably the result.  Also, I had not immediately obeyed the Holy Spirit when He nudged me to get up at 5.  Sometimes the Spirit nudges me to sleep extra.  The point is, I have to listen and obey quickly.  I didn’t do those things this morning, and I feel like this dream was the result.  I am really pleased, though, that I was able to at least work that out so it didn’t bother me all day.  Not all dreams are from the Lord, and I am relieved that I can tell the difference.  That’s called discernment.

So, here is the third attack –  I have to kind of laugh at this, but the rumor is (and see, I don’t even know if it’s true, but since it’s a rumor, there’s going to be that to deal with as well) that one of my vision confirmations was labeled “demonic” by one of my peers.  I know there has to be more to this story than that, but instantly, I was very upset by this.

I really don’t know why.  I should have expected this to happen at some point.  Every single person who moves in the gifts in a serious way, who makes a focused study of these things, is usually called into question.  People don’t understand the gift.  People get upset when they can’t control things, or when it appears to move outside the norm of what they believe should be part of spirituality.  Again, I don’t even know if it’s true that this has happened.  I’ve yet to get the details.  But immediately, I was hurt and confused and really angry.  I know the visions I have been having have been from God.  They’ve been confirmed over and over again miraculously.

So what is my motivation?  As soon as someone disapproves, I get upset?  Then why am I pursuing this gift?  Is it to please other people?  As soon as the motivation is to please people in any regard, I’m going to be disappointed, because someone is always going to disapprove at some point or another.  And you think I’d have already dealt with that issue in my life.  I am not a people pleaser, but let’s get real. I do love to see joy on the faces of my brothers and sisters, and know that I helped create that.  I would not label myself a people pleaser, however.  There is definitely a line there that I can’t cross.  My goal is always Christ, first and foremost.  When pleasing people crosses my boundaries and conflicts with the goals God has for me, it’s no question – I’ve got to do what God says.

No, I think my distress was because I was afraid this situation was going to negatively affect a new believer, and someone who was newly operating in the gifts.  I was upset for him.  I was upset for the confusion, and not being in unity (if the rumor is true) with the leadership.  I was upset that someone could make such a quick judgment based on their natural thinking without praying about the matter first or coming to me to clarify.  I dislike it when people make off-hand judgments about things that they don’t have a revelation about – “That’s demonic.”  “Oh, that’s of God.”  Those things said too quickly really trivialize spiritual matters that have much more gravitas and deserve more consideration.

Here are two things that have settled in my spirit this morning:

One, salvation belongs to the Lord.

I do not need to save myself in these attacks or battles.  I am going to be still and know that He is God.  I want to see the salvation of the Lord on my behalf for His glory.  I’m actually excited to see how this is all going to shake out.  I’m excited for me.  I’m excited for the new believer.  I’m excited for the leadership here.  I know God is going to uphold me, and it’s going to all work out for our good.  Salvation does not need to happen by my own hand or meddling or wheel-spinning.  It’s going to come through Him.  I’m going to remind myself of that repeatedly.

Two, I will not accept bitterness and resentment from myself any longer.

I will combat these feelings with an outstretched hand to love, to give, and to have joy.  I will forgive freely, the moment I feel a pang of resentment.  I am not the righteous judge.  God will make all these things right.  He is going to turn this situation around in my heart.

I am fighting this battle by renewing my mind and resting in the Lord.  I am going to be still, know that He is God, and see the salvation of the Lord.

Confirmation:  Two weeks after this happened, this person who had made an off-hand comment about a shared, confirmed vision of an angel as being “demonic” because God “doesn’t speak that way to people” was dismissed from our organization over something completely unrelated. 

Meeting Our Angels

I laugh as I write this. I should have posted this a long time ago, but my husband really rolled his eyes at me when this happened, and I sense it makes him uncomfortable. It happened the same evening as the Nine Angels that were seen in the service. I know he will understand why I blogged about it, and he’s fine with me writing whatever is going on with this journey. I’m just having a little chuckle as I write this because I wish I could adequately convey the amusement I have had every time I think about this episode.

After the service, I was so excited and full of the Lord. We went to eat at Shuck ‘N Dive, our favorite Cajun food restaurant. As we ate, I began to sense the presence of the Lord, and the fact that we were not alone. I began to sense that we were in the presence of that militant angel that I had also seen in Okeechobee when I was translated.

I have been practicing instant obedience, so I was telling my husband exactly what was going on in my mind, no matter what. I felt the Lord was showing me so much that evening. I said, “That angel, he is here now. “ Douglas said, “Now, is he, like, an angel for our ministry, or is this your personal guardian angel or something?”

Instantly in that moment, I knew the angel was mine.

Instantly in that moment, I knew what the angel’s name was.

And it’s one of those moments and feelings that you just know. You know it’s right. You know the Holy Spirit is confirming it, and you’re hearing directly from the angel himself.

I said, “He’s mine, yes. And I know his name.”

He said, “Well, what is it??!”

I said, “I don’t really understand this name. It doesn’t sound like an angel’s name at all. But I know it’s true. I don’t ever even think of this name, but it’s the name that is given to me. His name is Cedric.”

“… Cedric?” quiet laugh

Cedric’s name, by the way, means in charge of the battle. And that is what Cedric does. He is my angel, and he is in charge of the battle. When the enemy begins to come against me, especially in The Darkness, I call on Cedric to help. Cedric is in charge of the battle and takes his job very seriously. I am considerably grateful for Cedric, and since I have been given his name, I have had some very wonderful experiences with help in times of trouble.

“So… do I have an angel?” he asks.

Yes, of course you do, I’m thinking. And I can see in my mind’s eye that Douglas’s angel is right there with us as well. He is standing next to where Douglas is sitting, and he has his arms crossed. He has a very bemused look on his face. He does not look like my angel at all. He is not dressed in military garb. He looks much more magnificent and is wearing white. He looks like a traditional angel, wonderful to behold… and all that. In that moment, I knew what his name was in my spirit. And I cringed, because I knew Douglas was going to ask me.

Before he asked me what his angel’s name was, I looked at his angel and gave him a weary look, and he returned the look. The angel said to me, “He won’t like it.” I thought in return, I know.

“Yes,” I said. “You have an angel. He is also here with Cedric.” Just saying Cedric’s name again made me feel such a joy, but at the same time, I could tell it was making Douglas uncomfortable.

Douglas said, “So, what is his name?”

I said, “It’s Phillip. Your angel’s name is Phillip. He is amazing, and he’s leaning over your shoulder. He knows you don’t particularly like his name.”  I began to describe the angel in detail to him.  And with every word I say, describing Phillip, I could feel power in those words.  It was like they had their own weight to them.  I knew the Holy Spirit was just speaking right through me.

Douglas is giving me a big eye roll here, “That doesn’t even sound like an angel’s name.”

“I know,” I said. “But it’s Phillip all the same.”

Right then, Douglas said something to the effect of, “He is here. I can sense him also. And I know he’s laughing at me.”

I was grateful that my husband was able to experience the supernatural then and sense a little of what I was seeing.

Since that time, I have wondered if Douglas even believes me about his angel. I know he does, because he is a close witness to all the supernatural things that have been happening in our lives since I began this journey. He has to believe. He’s seen it himself. I will say that he now believes we are living with these angels in our everyday. At night, he has been leaving the Christian music worship channel on very low in our living room so the angels can worship while we sleep, and as they guard us, and do whatever it is that Cedric and Phillip are doing.

In the morning when I wake, the first thing I hear after I emerge out of our bedroom is the worship music, and I am reminded of the presence of our angels there, ready to co-labor with us, ready to protect us, and function in our lives and in the kingdom.

Nine Angels

For me, this evening’s service was nothing too earth-shattering.  The worship wasn’t particularly moving or powerful.  I must have missed something, because at the end of the sermon, a row of men who had never come forward for an altar call, stood up at the front to give their lives to Christ.

After the service, Jason, a student who reliably Sees in the Spirit and has other gifts, came to us and asked if we “saw that.”  I had definitely felt something near the end of the service, but I was tired and just looking forward to dinner after church (really, a shame.  I could have seen something really cool).  He said, “Did you see the nine angels?  I wondered why there were nine, and then I saw that there were nine guys who had come forward at the altar call…”

I just smiled.  What an amazing blessing.  As I began to think even more about this topic, I stumbled across the fact that there are nine categories of angels according to Christian history as well.  That’s very interesting.  I still have to share that with him.  This is obviously in addition to the other prophetic significance of the number nine in the Bible which typically represents a perfect move of God.  When I think about the events at Okeechobee this past weekend, the prophetic visions, and now this confirming vision and event happening Wednesday night in our service, I can’t help but think, “What a perfect move of God.”  Yes, the number nine.

Even more compelling was what he said next, “But then something really strange happened.  I just stood here as that was happening, and then this angel – well, I think it was an angel – came right up to me.  He stood right in front of my face, and had this stern look.  He was dressed in some kind of ancient warrior garb.”

I grinned from ear to ear and sat him down at the altar and opened up this blog, so he could read my post about Michael and the Moss.  He was visibly shaken – in a good way!  He could not believe that this was corroborated, but it firmly deepened his faith in his ability to see.  It also confirmed my earlier visions in Okeechobee. These now have been confirmed several times.

After this conversation, Michael himself came to me.  He was very upset and was announcing that he just wanted to leave the program and go home.  I let him read the post about the vision in which I saw him being rooted to the ground, and about the angel cutting the roots.  He began to cry.  None of this persuaded him to stay, however, and he ended up leaving the next day.

The Man and the Moss

I believe this is my very first episode in which the Spirit translocated me.

This morning I was lying in bed, about maybe 3:30-4 a.m.  As I laid there, it seemed like I could not go to sleep because the bed kept creaking up against the wall with every single little movement I made.  It was so annoying that I could not sleep, so I decided to use my time more wisely since I was just lying there.  So I began to try and See in the Spirit.

Immediately, an angel came to the side of my bed.  He was dressed in some kind of ancient warrior’s garb, not unlike that of a Roman soldier, which was the same as in the vision from yesterday.  This was no giant, however.  He was the same height as a regular man, standing there next to my side.  In fact, he was right next to me, his face close to mine as if waiting for me. His face was very stern.

Of course, it frightened me for just a moment, and then I remembered – no don’t be afraid.  I engaged him.

“Yes, what is it?” I asked.  He did not speak but looked over towards the house where the guys in the band were staying.  I said, “Yes, go.”  As he went, I went with him.  We traveled very quickly over there, in a matter of a second with a great trail of white light behind us.

When we arrived, I saw our drummer.  He was standing, awake.  Perhaps we were meeting him in his dreams as he was standing since it was 3 or 4 a.m.  He was covered about halfway down his body, with moss and ivy.  It was intertwined and dense, and it was rooting him to the ground.

I looked at the angel and just kind of thought the command, “Yes.  Do it.  Get him free.”  We both began to cut in the spirit realm.  I began to cut the branches and left the angel to do the rest of the work and was immediately back in my bed.
I laid there and thought about that what had just happened over and over again until I could not sleep anymore.  I went ahead and got up and walked into the kitchen.  I just felt like he still wasn’t free for some reason.  I closed my eyes to see him in the spirit, and he was still standing there, still with small remnants of the moss fused with his skin.  For some reason, in the natural, I reached out and took one of the knives in the chopping block of the kitchen.  I just held it in front of me, and I began to slice through the air slowly to help me visualize pulling those branches away from his legs and fused into his skin until he was no longer covered in the moss.

I hadn’t tied this event with the next one until I began writing, and now it makes so much more sense to me.  Immediately after cutting him loose of the moss, I felt like I had broken through.  That there had been a victory.  Just like that sense of peace that washed over me when I was praying about my purse, I knew I had finished.

After this feeling of breakthrough, I just went to go sit on the couch.  The icemaker was broken, and I kept hearing it try to make ice, though there was nothing really happening.  It was kind of distracting, and I thought about getting up to go turn it off when I felt like the Spirit was actually urging me to go get up and turn it off.  Over the last day and again today, I feel like it’s important to obey immediately.  That was the thing the Holy Spirit was trying to teach me.  Just obey.  Even if He tells me to do some stupid thing in the natural.  Like cut through the air slowly with a knife.  Or stand up and twirl around.  Or go turn the icemaker off.  A silent resolution inside of me:  Yes.  I have learned this.  I am going to obey you promptly, no matter what.

The next thing that happened was also a major first.  The moment I reached up in the cold freezer and switched the icemaker off, I heard a demon scream.  And when I say I heard it, I mean I did hear it with my natural auditory senses.  It sounded like a combination animal and human.  I had this moment like, Oh crap.  That was a demon, and I just wounded it.  Or made it go.  Or something.  Now that I think about it, it was probably the evil spirit that was plaguing him and rooting him to the ground.  The angel and I had driven the evil spirit away.  It was so real that I had this split-second feeling of, “What if that wasn’t a demon, and it was some woman screaming? Or an animal?  Should I call security?” But immediately, as soon as I thought this thought, I knew in my spirit that it had been a demon.

This vision of this man was independently confirmed by him on the following Wednesday.  Obviously, the next confirmation was a personal one by me when I audibly heard the scream.

Giants in Okeechobee

I have brought Powerline, our praise and worship team, to the Okeechobee Faith Farm campus today.  There are about ten of us in total, and the guys are all staying at the green guest house, and my husband, JD, and I are staying at the white guest house.  The guys have taken JD out on a four-wheeler, and my husband is taking a nap, but I don’t want to sleep.  It’s so quiet out here that I’d like to just practice Seeing in the Spirit.

There is a great storm today.  I was just praying when it began, and I have been asking for power.  All of a sudden, it began to thunder and rain.  I stood out on the front porch just to watch the rain, and one of the screens had been torn and was open.  I was able to put my hand out and feel the rain.  I began to just speak in tongues and pray for the washing of the water of the Holy Spirit, and at this time, I asked the Lord to help me see in the spirit.

Immediately, I began to see giants dressed in a Roman soldier’s garb, with weapons drawn and fierce looks on their faces.  These were huge giants, 60-70 feet tall, running through the fields here.  They were coming from the tree line and running past the houses, through the blueberry fields, and towards the road and yelling war cries.  I had the impression that this was God, raising up an army of men, spiritual giants.

At this moment, I began to prophesy over the men of the farm, that they would be those spiritual giants, that God would make them large, large over the natural realm, over the earth.  Of course, the blueberries are precious and so is the land of the farm. It is sacred.  I think what God was showing me was that these men would be so large in the spirit that they would tower over all the natural things they could see with their eyes.  These men would be triumphant.  They would make the earth shake as they began to trample over these natural things.  The supernatural realm would be more real to them than the natural.

The very next morning, Pastor Rick and I were waiting for the service to begin and had a moment of quiet.  He said, “So, what is God doing in your life?”  I answered by playing him the voice file of when I had verbally recorded the vision.  He said he was nearly in tears because a man had prophesied a month ago this very same thing over their campus.  He asked me to share it with the congregation, and everyone was amazed at the confirmation the Spirit had given.  One of the AS students asked me to send the voice file to him because everyone had been talking about how amazing it was that the two visions prophesied over the campus were the same.

Participating in the Vision

I went to Wal-Mart on a Saturday morning near the first of the month in Broward County.  Call me crazy, but I did it.  As usual, the tension is thick in the air especially on Saturday.  But JD begged me to go, and so I took him along.  I always hesitate to take him to places where there are a lot of gawking, rude people.  People, especially children, can be incredibly rude when they see a dwarf for the first time.  Many of them just have no idea how to react.  They can’t help but stare.  But I can’t shelter him his entire life.  He has to learn to deal with it.  Today wasn’t so bad, though!  We did our shopping, and I was in a good mood, just taking my time and helping him into the seat.

Someone was pulling into the empty space next to the car, and I thought for sure they were going to hit us as they were trying to park too close, so I stood and watched, and waited.  The driver of the white truck tried 3-4 different times to pull in, and finally, I kind of waved to him and called out, “Hey, let me pull my car out, and you will be able to better park there in the spot.  Just give me a minute.”  He said, “No ma’am!  I have it straight now!” and so then he pulled in finally.  In the confusion of all that, not wanting to leave JD alone in the car in this parking lot to try to return my cart, I hurried to put my cart away but accidentally left my purse inside it.

You have to understand this parking lot is full of thugs, creeps and crazies and all kinds of people, such high traffic in the largest Wal-Mart in Broward County, but I did it.  I got home, put my groceries away and looked and looked for my purse.  I can’t find it anywhere.  I called Wal-Mart, and they said, “Ma’am, we can’t help you.  You are going to have to come into the store itself before we can help you.”  So I drove all the way back down there, ran inside, but on the way a significant thing happened.

I began to pray. I was feeling ashamed and embarrassed because I knew this exact scenario had happened once before just a few months ago.  My husband had been irritated with me, and he made the statement, “You just keep on doing this.  Losing your purse, losing your keys.  Whatever.”  I was ashamed, embarrassed for myself, and so I just started praying, “Lord, I don’t know why I keep doing this.  Please show me.  Show me what this is about.  I don’t know what habit I need to develop to fix this.  I’ve tried to get a purse that is easy to carry and hard to just sit down.  Maybe I just do things too quickly or carelessly or something.”

I just cried out to him and said I didn’t want to be embarrassed again.  That I didn’t want to upset or irritate my husband again.  That He would please just let me find this purse.  To make matters worse on this day, we were under a time crunch because we were supposed to go to Okeechobee.

Just then, I began to pray, speak in tongues and worship the Lord.  I slipped right into it.  I didn’t even purposely try to worship the Lord.  I just did it like second nature.  Right then, the Holy Spirit just kind of reassured me in that moment that, even if I couldn’t find the purse, no matter what happened, He’s got me.  It’s going to be ok.  I didn’t have any money in it anyway. It does have my ID and bank card in it.  I could call the bank quickly and freeze the card.  If someone had taken it, they probably hadn’t bought too much with the bank card yet.  Everything could be replaced.  I still had my phone and keys, and my husband would forgive me eventually, and I would survive the embarrassment.

But just right then, I was filled to overflowing with a supernatural peace and assurance that said “You are going to find your purse.  You will definitely get it back.”  I began to see in the spirit as I was driving down I-95 towards Wal-Mart.  I saw myself standing at the customer service desk, praising the name of the Lord because they had found it for me.  I knew I was seeing something that was going to happen.  In that vision, I did it.  I performed that thing.  I cried out to the Lord, crying and praising him in the vision.  When the vision was over, I just knew inside my heart that this was exactly going to come to pass.

So, I just thanked the Lord.  I drove there with calm and peace in my heart, knowing I was going to get it.  I pulled in, walked to the customer service desk – and it looked exactly like the one in my vision.  I stood at the same spot at it, over to the left, away from the lines.  I told the lady – the same lady I had seen in my vision – about the missing purse, and she looked at me with real pity.  It was clear she didn’t think we would recover the purse, but there was no condescension in her voice or her look.  At no time was I embarrassed or felt ashamed.

She called security, and it happened exactly like it did in my vision.  A second woman brought my purse.  Everything looked exactly the same.  I praised the Lord right there in front of everyone.  I told them all that God was good, and they agreed with me that God was good.  I thanked the store employees that found that purse and turned it in.  I believe that God was showing me the vision and my participation in the vision and acting out in the vision in my mind helped produce the result.

Such a simple, everyday scenario, but I learned a few powerful things from the Holy Spirit during this event.

He is with me even in the smallest of circumstances.  He does not want me to feel ashamed or embarrassed about anything.  Keeping myself full constantly of worship and praise towards the Lord creates an atmosphere in which I easily slip into worship when it is needed the most – cultivating his presence is everything.  When I see a vision, I need to cooperate within the vision in the moment.  I need to have a greater spiritual awareness that the vision is important.  I need to take note of what is occurring in the vision with greater lucidity.  The Lord also showed me that His people are everywhere – even in hostile, public places where people are typically the rudest.  He reaffirmed that He is a good father, and He is going to continue to mentor and teach me.

Mentored with a Purpose

This weekend ended up being one of the most significant times so far in my journey of Seeing in the Spirit.  I had several visions that were powerful, and a few different things happened to confirm what I had been seeing.  I was translocated for the very first time during waking hours on Sunday morning. All of these things happened over a two-day period of time that began with a certain prayer I prayed on Saturday morning.

During a quiet time, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would be my mentor in this journey, and that I would walk the path that He set before me, because He has put a desire in my heart for this.

Just as I began to pray, a downpour of rain began, followed quickly by thunder and lightning.  I prayed I would receive power just like that – a downpour, with thunder and lightning.  That I could help other people, specifically the men in our program.  I had the strong sense that these men have opened themselves up to Seeing things in the supernatural realm because their inhibitions have been lowered when they have been drinking or doing drugs.  Those things they have seen in the past are moments they probably cannot walk away from.

I can hear the thunder now.  The power of the Lord is all over the place.  I feel so strongly that these men are perfect candidates to learn to See in the Spirit, to learn to walk in the supernatural things of God because they have already had their eyes opened to the supernatural.  They know it’s possible.

Imagine – to be Spirit controlled, to walk in the Spirit, instead of feeling powerless and out of control, or controlled by an evil spirit, would be very liberating, life-changing, empowering.  Our men need to learn how to do that, to walk in the Spirit soberly, in a directed, powerful way.