Random Catch-All

There have been so many random things that have happened lately, and I struggle to fit them into other blog posts. So I’m just going to create one blog post and stick all of the “random” stuff that happens here. So when it happens, it’s going here as my virtual junk drawer, even though I’m convinced none of it is junk. I know these are puzzle pieces that eventually fit in the picture. I just don’t know where yet.

Random Stuff from 02/03/2018:  These days have been busy with ministry.  It seems like everywhere I turn, I’m having very deep God conversations that center on uniting the person with the voice of the Lord.  There’s so much, but a few things I wanted to highlight and key upon so I can look back on it later and know when these significant things happened.

Friday morning, I somehow was led to an article by a woman who said she had a “discernment” ministry, and that she was called by God to reveal churches, speakers, and ideas that she labeled as “apostate.”  One of those ideas was women who are ministry leadership where other men are involved.  For example, preaching or teaching from the pulpit when men are in the audience.  She quoted a few well-known verses, and I admit, on the surface, these really appeared like solid points.  I felt this was a bit amusing as far as timing goes, because in that very moment, I had just received my own ordination credentials that had been renewed for the new year, and was changing out the frame in my office.  God certainly has a sense of humor, doesn’t He?

The verses that followed her points, however, also had some other things to say that just seemed a bit off.  These hard-to-understand Pauline verses often make us scratch our heads.  In fact, right after this group of verses it goes on to say that, essentially, women could potentially earn their salvation through childbirth.  Just maybe.  And this flies completely in the face of everything else Paul says about salvation through faith by grace alone, apart from works.  And that there is no more concept of male and female when it comes to the kingdom.  And his house church leaders, who were female.  And Priscilla and Aquila who were leaders and teachers.  And Timothy’s female family members who taught him.

At the end of this episode, I was left with this reminder:  Some people even here in our ministry and beyond will still have a hard time receiving from me.  My husband and I need to have an answer ready as to why I believe biblically it is okay for me to minister where men are involved.  I honestly haven’t thought of it in quite awhile, so I’m glad I got the reminder.

Then, the wind started to blow.  The Holy Spirit began moving in a powerful way.  Every single interaction I had from that point on was very special, even until I went to sleep that night, and again this morning.

I walked over to the church office and began to watch the next video in the Dream Language series by James Goll, and I actually stopped and shouted a few times at the screen because of all the confirmation that was coming out of his mouth.  I’m going to write a separate blog piece about it, but I asked my husband to just come sit and watch it with me, and he was in shock.  There are so many coincidences in our stories that it has to be God.

After that happened, I got a message on Facebook from someone who I had just met.  I was able to identify her as the Dianne in the vision I had about Shackles, and it was a very timely word for her, and a connection I am just sure will be a blessing to us both.

On the way to dinner, my son in the backseat said randomly, out of nowhere, “There are extra keys in this car!”  Anytime someone mentions keys, I’m all ears, and we just listened.  I grabbed my husband’s hand.  He went on, “Yeah, there are more keys in this car.  They have light all around them.”

“How many keys are there?” I asked.

He was quiet for a moment and said, “There are five keys!  Two in front, two in the back, and Dad has one too.”

He went on to describe something he had seen on youtube which was a pole.  And the pole was in the vision I had had about Diane.  This was all extremely strange and confirming.

We got to the restaurant, and three different people stopped to just say hello to us when we walked in.  It was as if they could sense the presence of Jesus and were drawn to it.  People in this place are really not friendly, from our experience, and it seems like every day, people are more and more friendly.  More and more just seeking us out.  More and more inquisitive and wanting to interact.

While at dinner, I received a word for my husband that was revelatory.  And I told him it was important that I wear a necklace, for some reason.  And that blue meant revelation.  He could not believe I had said that, because he was already planning on getting me a necklace with a blue stone.

This morning, when I woke up, I was hearing a song going over and over in my mind repeatedly.  As I was gathering my things to go into the next room, my husband said, “I can’t sleep.  I have this song going over and over in my head….”  I said, “Reckless Love?”  He said, “Yes!  That’s the one!”  As I walked outside the bedroom, I got a drink and some coffee, and as I passed in front of the television, I heard, “Why don’t you play the worship music anymore when you sleep, like you used to?”

I walked into the spare room and laid down, inviting the Lord to show me whatever He wished.  This was what became an angelic visitation and a vision of heaven.  I saw a whiteboard with the number 9 written in red, with a degree symbol after it.  I knew somehow it corresponded with nine categories of angels.  As I lay there, I could visibly see the wings of a worship angel gently moving in my vision.  Then, another vision of my son on his skateboard, making circles.  As I watched him, the Lord began to lift me up higher and higher, and I literally saw a vision of heaven.  It was the Lord, standing, with 7 figures in front of him.

Then, I had a moment of being a little scared, and everything stopped.  It was like the Lord was saying, “It’s ok.  We can do it later.”  I tried to be still again, and have another go, but it was over.  I had another dream after that about weeds being buzzed out behind me, and my shins having bruises on them.  I will have to work on the interpretation for that.

After that, I woke up and then woke John David up.  He slept late, and he didn’t want to get up.  He said, “I had a dream.”  Of course, I wanted to know what it was.

He had a dream that he was in his video game world, and was trying to get into his house so he could rest.  But he could not.  Something was blocking his way.  So he ran against it and laid on the wall.  He was not able to get rest.  I prayed against this blockage after he left, and prayed that this would open up to freedom and rest for him.

Essentially from yesterday until today, it’s been super weird.  Super amazing.  Supernatural.  This is exactly what acceleration feels like.

1/24/18:  The reason why it is the glory of a king to search it out is because kings already have public glory.  When a king finds something in the secret, then he shares that moment with the Lord that is private glory.  It is a very hard thing to do when you’re a king.  It’s a hard thing to come by when you’re a king, because your life is so public.  When I thought this, the Lord put a crown on my head, like one of those tiaras from Claire’s.  It is funny, right?  Claire’s?  Jennifer LeClaire.

12/21/17:  “I need to pray that God would make me just as tough, bold, and hard as these guys are so I can minister to them in my own way – not in their way, but in my own way.  I also need to get all the words that have been spoken over me, and the things He has said to me, and in visions, inside me.  Read them again.  Listen to them obediently.  Make them your own.  That is what I need to do.  Go to the exiles, your people, and speak.  Tell them this is the message of God, the Master.  Speak your piece, whether they listen or not.  He has made me a watchman for this place.  Whenever I hear the Lord say something, I want to warn them for Him.  I need to sound the alarm.  He says get up.  Go out on the plane.  He wants to talk to me.  He wants to show me the glory of God.  Spirit is going to enter me, put me on my feet.  He is going to make me go home, shut the door behind me.  I’ll go into the secret place.  He’s going to tie me hand and foot so I can’t leave my house.  He’s going to keep me from leaving, keep me in the secret place and pray.  He’s going to isolate me.  When the time is right, He is going to release me.”

12/6/17:  “Boats go on the top shelf.”  I don’t know what this means, but usually if I wake up seeing it and saying it, and it sticks like fly paper, I need to write it down.

11/26/17:  I was cleaning out and arranging the room I currently use to pray and study in. While I was doing so, a little lizard ran in, and I couldn’t catch it.  I knew it was somewhere in the room, and I laughed at the irony that this “serpent” was in my prayer room.  This was probably two weeks ago.  I hadn’t seen it since, so I figured I had prayed it away.  This morning, I went to sit in my chair, and saw it.  It had stopped breathing and died and was under my footstool.  I thought this was very symbolic.  The serpent died, under my feet.

11/21/17:  I had a dream about a place called “Calvary Chapel Wellington.” It had been moved during the storm or some season. It was disconnected from “Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale.” The youth especially had felt displaced. It was clear that when the church was actually physically moved back to Fort Lauderdale, the whole thing was good and new again. Everything was better. They still had their church, but it was not disconnected. In fact, it sort of looked like it was dropped there by some moving company and physically connected like parts of a modular home. There was a walkway built from one church to the other. I had seen all of these stuffed animals and decorations being put out for Christmas decorations. Being there at Calvary Chapel Wellington was a great relief, especially for a lady at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale who was overburdened with deliveries and maintenance on the facilities. Apparently CC Wellington got reconnected, and this made it a lot easier for some reason. There were so many things I saw. The building itself was really beautiful. I loved it. The bathrooms, the ceilings, everything. It was gorgeous. My son got up and sang a song in a service there. I saw Devan Reese and Devin Miller there. There were people I did not know there. It was awesome. It was great.

I probably would not have even written this down in my blog at all, but right after I had this dream, I woke up and turned on Jennifer LeClaire’s morning prayer call at 6 a.m. The very first thing she said was, “This morning, I feel it is important for RECONNECTIONS. I see churches reconnecting. I see families reconnecting. I hear in my spirit estrangement. There are people who have been estranged from one another, and they are going to reconnect.” She went on in this vein for quite some time, to the point that I just sat back and laughed. This was personal confirmation of what I had just dreamed, but again, I am not sure what any of it means. There is no Calvary Chapel Wellington. I don’t even know what Wellington is, or what state it is in. It could be here in Florida, but I don’t know.

11/20/17:  I had a dream last night that was not pleasant at all. I am just going to tell it without a filter and hope that I receive some more interpretation. I think I have a little interpretation, but I am not clear.

I dreamed I was in a large building. I believe it was a hospital, but on either side of the hospital, there were towers. There was a war going on. I don’t know why, but I felt the need to kill people in this. I wish I could say that there were demons I was killing, but it seemed like people. I had a syringe with me, and there was poison in the syringe or something dangerous. I was going up this long tower, something circular. I was going up these steps, and I was killing people with this syringe. I was not stabbing them. I was just silently going up behind them and sticking them with the syringe. They were falling. It is really weird, because I was not really sticking them with the syringe. I was taking a little bit of their blood with the syringe and they would die.

I got to the top level of the tower and ran quickly to go be back with the others. We were being watched. We were all huddled and being policed in some kind of way. The people I had killed were either the enemy, or something. When I got back to the room, I was huddling with the rest of the people. There came a voice over the loudspeaker, “There is a killer among you! There is a killer among you!”

I knew it was me. And they had begun searching for me. I did not know what to do. I had the syringe in my pocket. My mind raced, “What do I do with this? How do I make it disappear? Can I erase my fingerprints? What if they have video footage? Could I put it in the city dump? They could trace it back to me!” I felt like a murderer in this dream. In the dream, in fact, I thought, “I am a sociopath. What have I done?”

We were then released and going back to our homes. Even then, we were being watched. I felt like every move I made, I was being watched. I had no idea how to get rid of this syringe. I was filled with guilt and horror of what I had done. I woke up, and I had the most wonderful and terrible moment when I realized it was just a dream. I am not a sociopath. I was not guilty. But I had a horrible moment knowing that this was one of these dreams you can’t walk away from. God had a message in this dream for me, and I do not know what it is.

Maybe this dream has to do with the situation that I had been in that I have been delivered from, in which I did something that could put in jeopardy the lives of a few of our students. They saw me in a compromised way with let’s just say my guard down. And they could relapse because of that because I am in spiritual leadership. Maybe the Lord was warning me, that if you don’t obey me, if you don’t take this seriously, you are kind of like a spiritual sociopath. You don’t realize it but you could kill people.

Or it could be that these towers, I’m a watchman on the tower. It’s a prophetic thing. I am going up the sides, and I’m killing demons, and people do not like it because it makes them uncomfortable. They are searching for me, trying to figure out who did this. I do not know if it would match that guilty feeling I had.

11/20/17:  I had a dream of a man who had an office building.  It was white and looked concrete.  There was something about dentistry.  I am not sure about that part, but he was employing people he just wanted to help and bless.  Particularly, he wanted to bless this woman he had met long ago.  He had made a job just for her.  He was so pleased and happy she was working there.  He said, “I don’t even know what the inside of the building looks like.  I just want them to have jobs.”

11/6/17: I was driving down Powerline Road towards the grocery story. I was still about a mile away when I felt the beginning of a vision. In my mind’s eye, I clearly saw a white Dodge Dynasty, circa 1992. This car was the very car I had when I was around 20 years old, living in various places. I knew I was having a vision when it started happening as I was driving. I also knew that I was getting ready to see this car in the Publix parking lot.

I knew this a mile before I even got there. In fact, I said out loud to myself, “I know I’m going to see it. I know this is from you, Lord.” Even so, I was confused. What was I supposed to do with this? Why was the Lord showing me this?

I pull in from the west into the parking lot at Publix. I look up, and from the opposite direction, I see a white 1992 Dodge Dynasty pull in. This is how I know for sure I didn’t see the Dynasty somewhere in the peripheral field of my vision on the way to the store. It had come into the parking lot the opposite way of where I had been driving.

I just shook my head. I don’t know why I find this incredible anymore. It is happening over and over. So, I took a picture of it.

The other incredible part is that the bumper had hit something yellow, like a caution pole. I had also hit a caution pole painted yellow with the bumper of that same car, but it was on a different side. I have this picture now, but I don’t want to post it because it’s got the person’s license plate visible.

I saw the man get out of the car, and I went inside. I could not find him anywhere in the store, but he was balding and was wearing glasses. I kept thinking, “Why? What do You want me to say? Pray with him? What?


This entire event was so random. At the very least, this is confirmation that my visions are getting extremely specific, and that I need to trust them seriously. This is proof that I should have more confidence in what I am being shown, especially when I have that deep confirmation that I am definitely having a vision.

Personal confirmation on November 6, 2017, seeing an actual physical manifestation of what I had seen in a vision only minutes before it happened with the white 1992 Dodge Dynasty.

11/10/17: I was looking at my son on the couch today, and I began to be aware that he had an aura. Is it orange? No, that’s the undertone of his skin coloring. Is it shadowy? Dark? No, that’s just the shadow of where his body is pressing against the couch. No, it’s yellow. It’s sunny, joyful yellow. All around him. The more I focused on it, I could see it visibly. This has happened a few times lately, seeing the auras of places, buildings, people.

11/14/17:  This morning, I woke up, and the first thing I thought was BLEEDING INSIDE. In fact, I saw it in all capital letters. I don’t know if I’m bleeding inside, or if the person I was thinking of was, but that’s what I thought.

The next thing I saw, it looked like an egg carton type recycled material, not Styrofoam. It looked like it had nose holes cut, like someone could wear it and breathe through it. I had the thought, “Egg on the face.” As soon as I said that, the name Adam __________ came to me. I don’t know who that is. Adam ________ (I don’t want to reveal his identity here, so I’m withholding his last name). I thought, “Adam ______________ had egg on his face.” So random and weird, I know. Anyway, I woke up. It was 4:26 when I woke up. I thought, “Do I know anyone named Adam ____________?” Believe it or not, I am friends with someone on Facebook named Adam ___________. I don’t think I have ever spoken to him or seen a message from him or ever seen anything he’s ever posted. He is friends with Ryan and Adam over in Sarasota, that whole bunch over there. So, I got up thinking, do I really want to message him? It’s early. Early, early, early in the morning, and I thought, I’ll message Him. I’ll tell him the Lord wanted me to pray for him, but I don’t have to do it right now. Lord, if You want me to do it right now, if it’s an emergency and I need to tell him, please confirm that and let me know. So I stepped out of my room and I look over, and everything is dark of course because all of the lights are out in the main room. I look over and the first thing I see that is illuminated by moonlight in the window is a smoke alarm. It is blinking red, like the battery is going to go out or it is doing its cycle thing. So it’s an alarm. I’ll tell him. So I go in my changing room in my closet, and I message him. I know this is random, and I’m really sorry for the early hour, but the Lord has woken me up to pray for you. I didn’t tell him about the egg on the face thing. If he asks, I’ll tell him. But I said if there is anything specific I can pray for you for, I will. But that is all I had this morning from the Lord.

The night of 11/16, Adam ___________ messaged me back with a “Thank you” and some heart emojis.  I just said “You’re welcome.”  I wanted to press, to ask if any of that was a confirmation, but I didn’t.  I just did not feel like it was the right time.  I know there is more to this than what I am hearing about right now, and I am content to just wait on it.  I will be very excited to report a confirmation, and I know there will be one.

What happened this morning, however, is confirmation of the feeling I had when Kathryn Bausman prophesied over me and I distinctly knew that my visions would become more specific.  This was the first dream/vision in which I was given a specific complete name (not just first) – first and last name – that I could not have known.  This was a personal confirmation for me that something was activated and imparted on 11/12/2017.


This morning’s devotional in the good old Our Daily Bread was about how best to give comfort. Sometimes it’s the squeeze of a hand. Sometimes it’s a gentle hug. Just walking with someone, giving them your presence, company, your time. That seemed out of left field from what has been going on in my life. After all, I’m trying to find the right way to give someone a word that could be the very the opposite of comfort.

My quiet time was interrupted by my son, who got up extremely early. I didn’t tell him to go back to bed. He ran across the room to give me a great big hug, and I let him sit there at my knees, and I used the quiet time and his really good mood to ask him if he remembered the lesson about the Trinity I gave him when I was giving him a bath the other night. He surprisingly remembered quite a bit!

I began to talk about the Holy Spirit, and how we will know the voice of God in our hearts when He speaks to us. That this is what my quiet time is all about, and so that’s why it’s important to me. I told him that sometimes God even talks to me about my little man, and tells me wonderful things about his future. I asked him if he wanted to know any of those things, and he really did.

I told him that God was going to make him strong. He would be used really importantly by God for His glory. That he would be very gifted, and he would have a lot of favor with people, so they would believe the work of God in his life. I asked him if he knew what “favor” meant, and he didn’t. So I explained that to him. I asked him if he remembered being born again not long ago, and he did. Of course, it was a very big event. Then I explained that, now that he is born again, God would also talk to him, and he would be able to hear him if he listened in his heart.

I said, “Do you believe the words I told you God said about you?” He said he did. I said, “Then say, ‘I receive it.’” He repeated the words. Then I said, “If someone loves the Lord, and they are a Christian, like you and me, and they say amazing words over you from God, and in your heart, you know God is speaking to you through them, that’s the right way to respond. ‘I receive it.’”

I believe so much in verbally, and in the heart, receiving from the Lord. I wanted to teach him this lesson, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to not only prophesy over my son this morning but also teach him a few important things. I know it seems like he’s just a stinky boy who is mostly concerned with eating and playing, but my consistent, sincere, passionate prayer is that he will develop brilliantly, grow in wisdom and maturity, strength and intelligence, and he would be mentored and guided in the ways of the Lord. God told us to have John David, from before he was conceived. I want to be a good steward over what God has given us.

After the morning quiet time, I made breakfast and went to the cafeteria to get a few vegetables, but before I walked in, one of the cashiers here at the campus was waiting outside. She came right over to me and said she really needed advice. She wanted to know how best to comfort a very close relative over the death of their son.

I just smiled. Of course, I knew the answer because, just a few hours before, I had read the devotion “that seemed out of left field” about how to give comfort. It was the absolute perfect word to give her. This really isn’t a prophetic thing, but just another confirmation that the Lord is working so directly and specifically in my life right now, top to bottom.

Her independent confirmation of what the Spirit had placed in my lap that morning was probably 2 hours after I received the word for her.